Matrilineal marriages are not available to merchant republics or Muslims, unless they have high Status of Women laws and a non-agnatic succession form. So the potential benefits are reduced compared to a standard patrilineal marriage. Rulers will usually not accept a matrilineal marriage with a son that is in the direct line of succession or has titles/claims. Matrilineal marriage Ī matrilineal marriage helps to secure a dynasty where most heirs are female, by making the children born from a marriage part of the mother's dynasty, and prevents game over if the succession gender law is strictly agnatic. Children born from the union will belong to the mother's dynasty.Ĭommitment to a patrilineal marriage once both are over 16Ĭommitment to a matrilineal marriage once both are over 16 Children born from the union will belong to the father's dynasty.Įxtra consorts of women who follow the African or Bön faiths, or a reformed pagan religion with Enatic Clans or Equality doctrine. The ruler can get 1 year's worth of income (not paid by the courtier the money is basically created for this purpose instead) for this.Ĭhildren born from the union will belong to the father's dynastyĬhildren born from the union will belong to the mother's dynastyĮxtra consorts of men who are Pagan, Zoroastrian, Tribal, Nomadic, or follow the Eastern religions. If the spouse of a courtier is imprisoned in the same court (not imprisoned abroad), and their respective opinion is high enough (20, bothways), the courtier might contact the ruler of the court in order to release the prisoner.Afterwards, the liege's wife becomes qualified to occupy other positions if the realm improves the Status of Women law (requires the Conclave DLC). The wife (or mother) of a ruler may occupy the spymaster position on the council (although the wife becoming Spymaster may lower state intrigue, due to how state attributes are calculated).
It is worth noting that half of spouse's stewardship is taken into account when calculating demesne limit.Half of spouse's attributes are added to the ruler's state attributes.The character gains or loses prestige depending on their spouse's rank ( +100 / -100 per difference of rank no prestige adjustments if both bride and groom are Muslims).The character gains bonus prestige if their spouse's dynasty is more distinguished.The player character can produce legitimate children to get an Heir(ess) and expand the player's dynasty.If the player ends up with no characters belonging to the current dynasty they're playing as, it is game over. In a patrilineal marriage, descendants belong to the father's dynasty Otherwise, the offspring belongs to the mother's dynasty.Therefore, the player should be careful while arranging spouses for their courtiers or relatives. But in a matrilineal wedding, the husband joins her court instead. The wife joins her husband's court in a standard (patrilineal) marriage.When two characters are allowed by their lieges to get married, the union gives the following effects: